Transitioning to healthier eating starts with healthier grocery shopping...which can be hard when companies try to mislead you with false claims about their food items and disguise toxic chemicals on their ingredient labels. Empower yourself to know more and do better by learning how to Shop Healthy to Eat Healthy
You don't need to shop at Lunds & Byerlys, Whole Foods, or Trader Joe's to eat clean and nutritiously.
Local or small town grocery stores often choose not to carry certain items for various reasons. Don't let that stop you from eating clean and healthy. In this self-paced, online course, Dr. Jen Lourey will virtually walk you through Teal's Market, her local grocer, to show you what shopping consciously looks like! You'll also learn:
How to navigate the grocery store "zones"
Common food product marketing claims and how to interpret them
Compare nutrition information while considering budget
Create a nutrient-rich shopping list and how to prepare delicious, nutrient-dense recipes
More information, visit our Course Library.
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We pride ourselves in providing information and resources that bring value to our clients. If you are unsatisfied with this course, email and we will refund your purchase. Thank you!
- Dr. Jen Lourey | Holistic Initiative | RHC